We work in collaboration and partnership with service user families, service user support system, and other providers of health and wellbeing services to ensure that we continue to deliver bespoke service to our service users.
Contact usWe adopt the person-centered approach in the delivery of our services which enables us to promote service user choice and ensure their full participation.
We help our residents refocus and rebuild their lives.
We take comfort in knowing that our help and support can change their lives for the better. Through providing the right support and appropriate levels of care in our supported living accommodation, our residents are able to refocus and rebuild their lives. As their independence grows, they find themselves able to make the right choices in order to maximise their potential, thus becoming confident members of the community and discovering lasting stability and happiness.
We affirm the importance of equality and diversity
Tender Heart consistently and positively celebrates differences because --
each person should be treated with gentleness and respect
to giving people equal opportunity and treating all people fairly
our legal and performance obligations
We acknowledge that in society certain groups and individuals are unfairly discriminated against.
that effective equal opportunity policies are a key part of the achievement of a quality business
Our Values
We bridge the gap of a smooth transition from dependence to independence. We offer opportunities for improving and sustaining the quality of life for people who require additional support to maintain and enhance their independence in the community.
Each one of our residents has encountered a very personal journey before stepping through our doors. In recognition of this, we realise the importance of providing unique and personalised services using the person-centered approach to meet individual needs which ultimately help our residents continue successfully on their journey towards independence and social inclusion.